Nice Catch
Posted onSam catching a nice bass on his Trout Stalker 5 wt.
Sam catching a nice bass on his Trout Stalker 5 wt.
You don’t always catch fish while fly fishing. Sometimes you get something you would never expect to hit a fly rod, but when you think about it, makes sense that it would hit a fly.
Labor Day clearance! 20% off Trout Stalker Fly Rod Combo. $172. Normally a $215 value.…/trout-stalker-2-rod-reel-combo/ Good through Labor Day. Use coupon code laborday15 during checkout. Fly Rod combo includes rod / reel / backing / fly line / leader / case.
We will be teaching an Introduction to Fly Fishing course at the College of Southern Maryland this spring. This will be a great opportunity to “get your feet wet” and learn the basics of fly fishing. We recommend bring a fly rod to the class. If you do not have one, we have some available […]
Mr. Kundreskas will surely be missed and our prayers go out to the family. I have looked forward to reading his column for over 25 years, anticipating his knowledge and wit regarding his outdoor adventures and similar related information. Jim not only gave us his articles and information about local fishing and hunting, he actually […]