Got Cabin Fever? Two Excellent Fishing Events are scheduled this weekend.
If you are dreaming about fly line streaming across your favorite lake and trout stream or just getting tired of plowing and shoveling the snow that has recently hit our region, put down the shovel and go to the fly fishing show on the Eastern Shore in Stevensonville, Maryland- you won’t be disappointed. On February 20th, you will have the opportunity to actually meet several of fly fishing’s greatest icons of all time. The CCAMD will be hosting an all-star line-up for Lefty Kreh’s TieFest this year. Lefty Kreh, Bob Clouser, Bob Popovics, and many other fly fishing luminaries will be in attendance. There will also be top light tackle and fly guides, area shops, rod builders, and lure makers. Lefty Kreh’s Tiefest and Light Tackle Fest are free to all active members of CCA. If you are not a member, you can join at the door or pay a $10 entry fee. Kids under 16 are free! For more information on the event you can go to WWW.CCAMD.ORG.
Don’t feel like an Eastern Shore weekend? Then drive on out to the Fauquier County Fair Grounds to the 2016 RAPIDAN CHAPTER Trout Unlimited ANNUAL FISHING SHOW this Saturday.
Called the “The Biggest Little Fishing Show”, Rapidan TU chapter’s fundraiser will be held Saturday, February 20, 2016. The effort helps fund the chapter’s conservation projects, annual Youth Conservation and Fishing Camp, Trout in the Classroom, Heritage Day (Kid’s Day fishing), Chapter operations, and stream restoration and cleanup. The Fishing Show will be held at the Fauquier County Fair Grounds.
•10:00 Tony Dranzo – Swinging Wet Flies for Fall Great Lakes Steelhead
•10:45 Michael Cherwek – The Vanishing Wild Atlantic Salmon Since WWII and Sputnik
•11:30 Colby Trow – Fly Fishing the Shenandoah Valley
•12:30 Beau Beasley – Must Have Patterns for Virginia Bass and Trout
•1:15 Dusty Wissmath – Fly Fishing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
•2:00 Walt Cary – Materials and Tools for Poppers – Where to Purchase and How to Use Them
A maximum of 300 raffle tickets will be sold for an all-expense paid trip for two to Yellowstone National Park. Each ticket is only $25. In addition to the Yellowstone Trip tickets, the raffle has a number of premium prizes that include:
•1. Brookie Custom Cane Rod – 6’6″, 4 wt., 2-piece (Chris Bogart)
•2. Sage Approach Outfit – 489-4, Nautilus Reel FWX3/4, Rio Gold (Urban Angler)
•3. LL Bean Gortex Wader Jacket & Box of Flies (LL Bean)
•4. Orvis Clearwater Fly Rod – 9″, 5wt, 4 pc (Mossy Creek Fly Fishing)
•5. Box of 100 Custom Trout Flies (Andy Holmaas)
It won’t be long, I believe the local waters will begin to thaw real soon and we’ll be out there catching fish before you know it.